In addition to completing college preparatory A-G coursework, RenArts’ graduates complete a CTE pathway in Arts, Media and Entertainment (AME).
RenArts has three approved CTE pathways:
Music for the Creative Economy
Dance for the Creative Economy
Multi-platform Collaborative Production
Renaissance Arts Academy's structure and design brings together a faculty team of professional artists in collaborative co-creation with students, building flexible teams whose members amplify each other’s skills. RenArts’ CTE course sequences have been approved for A-G credit by the University of California.
RenArts’ cohesive production and performance focus for CTE culminates in annual Winter and Year End Shows. Students have the opportunity to develop the individual and collaborative skills needed to achieve shared artistic goals and earn CTE credit for long-term work on major productions. In addition to performance, students collaborate to solve creative challenges through multiple avenues including electronic media; organizing systems for production management and scheduling; dramaturgy and performance analysis; scenic and costume design and construction; stage lighting; and theater space and audience management. Placing authentic performance and production work in the school setting transforms school from a preparatory training center to the "real world". As a result, student learning becomes practically motivated by the "process of production".
We are proud to be a California Department of Education designated CTE Model Demonstration Site for the Arts, Media and Entertainment sector. Click here for more info or to register interest in a CTE program tour.